Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A tad stressed...

...which means Mecca will sleep like sh*t tonight. Basically. I just strolled in from work after the another long drawn out day of meetings upon meetings, emails upon emails and phone calls upon phone calls. Don't get me wrong. I absolutely love my job and I'm blessed to have it BUT I work my tail off and I don't know that I always get the appreciation or the recognition I deserve. Lately, it's been weighing on me, because I've become this work-a-holic, Treo carrying, late night and early morning email checking fool, while other important things in my life slack...or are slowing starting to slack.

Tomorrow, I've got to take my car into the body shop at 7:30, where the rental car will meet me at 7:45 and then rush the rental to the local train station where I have to hop an 8:30 train into NYC to make a 10am meeting. After the meeting, I'll come home and work like the work horse I have slowly become, because I will be out of the office on Friday to attend my stepmother's mother's funeral. Would you believe I was actually relieved I would be only missing ONE day of work instead of two which I originally thought was the case? How f-ed up is that?

Then, it's supposed to snow on Friday, so who knows how the services and funeral will actually go.

One other thing I'm stressing about waaay in advance is the fact that, my bestie is coming into town (yippee) from the Chi (in a few weeks) and that means, Mecca has GOT to get this room in order. As we all know, space is limited up in this piece and I don't want my A feeling like she is sitting on top of herself, so it is my mission, to clean & organize. Any suggestion of ways to make/create more space in tiny living environments? I'm dying here.


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