Monday, July 30, 2007

Missing the locks...

I miss my long hair. Looking at my main pic, I am loathing Alta and her palace a whole heck of a lot. (Alta is the woman who cut my hair, when I asked for a trim). So right now, I look more like this:

instead of the long haired goddess that I had grown to know and love (see profile pic). (Notice the tip of the hair falling just slightly on the clavicle bone...) And granted, I was in desperate need of a good choppin', because my hair is slowly but surely growing back just as healthy as ever...but the point is, I NEVER asked for a cut. Especially two days before my 4 days before my 26th birthday. In any case, what's done is now done and I guess I should just be thankful I have hair and that its growing back to be nice and healthy. :) Off to bed, to dream of becoming Rapunzel.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

I hate bad news...

Today my mom told me a family friend paased away unexpectedly from heart complications. I am so devastated to hear this news because he was young and still had so much life to live. I feel devastated for his family - his wife and 7 children; including a 13 year old daughter, who will never have her dad again. This is just heartbreaking.

On a more positive note, I got through my 5k and I'm feeling great. Off to bed, to dream sweet dreams, I hope.

My prayers go out to the Kravatz family suffering from the loss of a wonderful, wonderful man.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Awesome Quote

Today I came across the most amazing quote.

A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.
-- George Moore

Gosh I wish I could say that to a certain someone so badly...

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th

The rain ruined my darn parade. It was cloudy and then eventually rainy. Even my bright ass hobo-inspired yellow hater top could not challenge the sun. Hey, I tried, people. I was well-behaved though in the food and drink department. I had the following:
1) 1 cheeseburger w/ ketchup
2) a small (and I mean bite-size) serving of baked beans
3) a small and once again I mean bite-size serving of pasta salad
4) a mini chocolate cookie
5) 4 Corona lights
Given the fact that I love to eat and I house all the All-American classics every holiday I get, I did pretty darn good. Granted, I could have done a little better on the beers, however, they were light and they were spaced out over time. (I also drank water). The rain did make my hair frizzy as ever (thanks rain) and I had to cover my fun yellow top, with a bot so fun boring black sweater due to the drop in temp...I guess the fact that we (meaning me and all mis amigos) made it through another fourth - safely and soundly - is a blessing. No fireworks, once again thank the rain. But that doesn't mean I'm not creating my own fireworks ... called my life.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


My closet if fixed. Word. I am thrilled. Now, I can start picking up the pieces. They say everything happens for a reason and I believe it to be so true. This whole experience, closets AND life is just making me stronger and better. Time to get ready for the fourth!