Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Alright people, it's bad enough that it's like 105 degrees outside (94 actual + 11 for humidity) and that my freshly done hair is now a frizz ball...but what's even worse is that my (dear) roommate leaves the air conditioning to set at 82 degrees during the day, so I walk into a very stale, humid air inside as well. Can a girl get some cool air? I mean, I'm always cold and phening for heat, probably one of the best things about attending good ole U of M, so when I'm complaining about the heat, you know it's bad. Don't get me wrong, I love heat, however, sweating profusely is not attractive, nor desired.

I know the point is to conserve energy and all, and I totally agree that the air does not need to run during the day, but can we settle for like 76? Especially on days when the state is being issued to have a heat wave. Especially with my crazy past of passing out randomly...I mean, can you imagine, me, innocent old me, walking in after a long, hard day's work and just collapsing to the floor? Not being able to breathe because it's so STIFLING hot? Not a pretty sight. At all.

This one is for all my frizzy-haired people, just trying to get by and make it through this extremely dreaded heat. And the heat wave is just going to continue...

Monday, August 6, 2007

A lazy Monday...

Random thoughts on a Monday:
I don't know why but every time Monday rolls around, I just wish it were any day but. I should be thankful to get up and go to work, but I'd rather stay at home sleeping. The fact that I feel like every Monday has been either ridiculously humid, or ridiculously dreary/rainy or anything else negative you can think of.

Today Jeanne got engaged and I am thrilled for her. Carlos seems to be the man of her dreams...and seeing stuff like that gives me hope that one day it will be me. I remember during my last break up, she wrote me one line: "He'll be sorry". I laughed through my tears and I'll never forget that. I hope she's right...not only will he be sorry, but I will find the man of my dreams. Someday, when God feels like I'm ready for it.

In other news, people at work were getting on my damn nerves. Once again, legal, the coupon folks, one of the women in sales, the list could go on and on. But I guess I should be thankful to have a job and a I shouldn't complain about it.

I did not go to the gym today, instead I stuffed my face with a red velvet cupcake when I got home. And boy let me tell you...it was damn good. Tomorrow I will make it up, so I don't feel bad. It'll be ok.

Right now I'm gonna go an watch Fat March...drink my water, and soon go off to bed. I am exhausted...

Another lazy Monday....