Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Lazy Day...

Sitting here watching the Biggest Loser, minding my business. I've been trying to catch up on blogs, as January has been one of the craziest months in a long while. I've been slacking and I know it. Furthermore, I don't like it. I don't know why things are so busy and when they will die down, but I would always prefer to be busy rather than bored. It only makes me appreciate my lazy days that much more. In the next week or so, I truly hope to be able to get back on track with more than just my blog. The gym, my social life, my sanity.

In other news, I'm damn excited! I'm going to HAWAII! Yes, that's right HAWAII. My best friend Anna's dad lives there and we're going to visit and chillax and drink and gossip and lay out and be the wonderful single girls that we are. The trip will be taken in July and I am more than thrilled. Anna herself is a crack-up. We met in college and our love of the same type of guys, TV shows -- drama and reality -- and music made us fall in love; with each other. (Meaning: we have a really special bond). She and I are so alike it's almost scary, so thank goodness we have embraced our "twin-nisms" (as we like to call it). I mean, we complete each other's sentences, think exactly the same thoughts and despite me living on the east coast and her living in the Midwest, we know without even speaking when the other is sad or hurt. Recently, Anna called me up because she was thinking of a song she really wanted to add to her I-pod and couldn't remember who sang it. (This is quite a frequent occurrence for us and sometimes we can call each other 5 times a day going back and forth about who sings what song). Anyway, on this particular call, all she said is, "Mec, I'm trying to figure out who sang this song so I can add it to my I-pod. I don't know the tune or even remember the song or artist but she's along the lines of this Yolanda Adams and had a song back in 2001, 2002 or 2003 I used to love. Do you know who I'm talking about? If I heard her name, I would know it instantly..."

Now, I am not a mind reader or a magician and quickly reminded her of that. I mean, how the HECK was I supposed to know? She didn't know the tune, any one word of the song, nothing. But after talking to her for 15 minutes about the past 48 hours of our lives, out of nowhere, I blurted out "Heather Headley" having a brief thought of us sitting out on a balcony at our perfect apartment, palm tree blazing in the wind, with a glass of wine in hand blurting out her song like it was nobody's business. And wouldn't you know it, Anna starts cracking up and then screamed, "That's it GIRL! You got it!" We've always said we're like best friend soul mates. So as she finishes a 5 year doctorate program (June 30 -- yep, she's amazing) and I finish my hectic planning season at work, we will embark upon a wonderful relaxing vacay together (and even better -- everything but airfare is taken care of)!!

Anna and I in my most recent trip to the Chi...May '07

More news - Sin's (one of my other best biddies) wedding planning is well under way. Wooo hooo! (She got engaged on Christmas Day in case you missed it in previous posts). She asked me to be her MOH and being the psycho, anal, type A personality that I know I can be, I'm already thinking and plotting when to do/how to do/theme for a shower and bachelorette party. Why is this psycho, you ask? Because my homegirl has not even picked a date yet. Tentative date? Absolutely. I know I am looking at March/April of next year, which means I have 14 or 15 months until I hold her dress/train while she pees (aka the big day) and even less for the shower/bach party. Geez. Being MOH is kind of a big deal. ;-)

Well, my random post is just about done...back to veggin' and getting ready for Law & Order: SVU. (One of my all time favorite shows).

G'night folks.

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