Monday, December 10, 2007

Didn't make it to the gym...

Oops. But I did make it to Stop and Shop to load up on groceries, even used a coupon (I feel so grown up when I do), made it to Kristine and John's ridonkulous* mansion of a home to celebrate their birthdays, and I finally I made it back home to play around on the computer, do a lil laundry and relax. Sounds like a fabulous Sunday to me. Now I am at work, putting off the inevitable...end of the year bull crap which includes making sure all my vendor invoices are in, accounted for in my budgets, setting up/finalizing or tweaking my 2008 budgets, and overall just getting organized. FUN. I'm not going to complain because I do love my job...but it really is a pain in the ass, regardless of how much I heart work.

Tonight I plan on going to the gym and strength little way of saying "sorry, I stood you up yesterday". Whatever, it was yoga anyway, which I don't like, not to mention, the whole hair thing...

Off to play around with Excel spreadsheets.

*nope, not a real word but one of the 'made up' category. a Mecca-ism. can also be substituted with "ricockulous" compliments of Casey Moffett (yes Casey, I will always be your Jersey "dangerbaby").

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