Thursday, December 27, 2007

I'm alive

...and doing pretty well, despite my never-ending headache, might I add. I apologize for "dropping off the face of the earth", however, it's been BUSY! For starters, my friend Amy had her baby. A little 6lb., 14oz, baby girl named Isabella. She's beautiful and should be home with mom and dad by the weekend. In other important news, one of my closest friend Sinthya got engaged on Christmas night! How exciting! I am thrilled for the both Amy and Sinthya on the wonderful new changes in their lives.

Christmas was wonderful. I spent the time with my Mom, Jules and Stan Christmas Eve night and morning and then headed down to Dad's for Christmas day. I got a lot of what I had hoped for including: a big face two-toned watch, a Dirt Devil Kone, a special "allergy" humidifier, perfume, Coach snow boots, a percolator, gift cards, etc.

Today was my first day back in the office and I am getting back into the throws...although, I am taking off NYE and headed to one of my favorite places to ring in the new year.

In any case, I'm off to grab some dinner and head to bed early as tomorrow is another LONG day. I'm making up my annual physical doctor's appointment I missed two weeks ago, and then Mom and I are spending some QT together to celebrate her birthday! I'll write more later...

Hoping you all had a wonderful holiday too!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Oh my Jamie-lyn!

I got to bed at 8:48pm and just woke up 10 minutes ago! I feel wonderful! I work both jobs tonight, so that sleep was just what I needed.

In other news, I just heard on the today show, Jamie-Lyn Spears is pregnant and "keeping the baby"! She's 16 which I guess is "the big shocker" and she is a role-model for young teens (as she's the star of some show on either Disney or ABC family, to be honest I don't know which one). Now, keeping it real, my very own mother had me at a very young age and both Mom and me are fine, almost 27 years later...however, I just think that in this day and age no matter how old or young you are, we must be careful and protect ourselves from not only babies, but other unwanted things, such as STD's. Now, maybe she "wanted" to have a baby, but at age 16, I could tell you, all I wanted was to be out with my friends at the roller rink!

I just hope she knows what she's getting herself into, and can go through this pregnancy with the best interest of this child at heart and now herself, her family or her publicity.*

Ok, shower time!!

*Disclaimer: My intention is never to offend anyone and I don't want to battle over views and who's right or who's wrong...this is MY blog, so I will express MY opinions. That's all folks!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Guess what?
1. I survived my dentist appointment!
2. My second simu-date with Mr. Smith ended up falling through; He had to work/train late and I am just exhausted, soooooo I GET A NIGHT TO MYSELF. Tonight's post will be short, as I plan on laying in bed, bumming around, having a little dinner, watching a lil DVR'd TV and crashing early.

But as promised, I wanted to load the pics from the cookie making gathering with Sin and Sarah on Saturday, which was a blast. Proof that I can be domesticated if I so chose.

Sin, a cookie icing machine.
Gingerbread snowflake cookies, post icing, pre-blue and clear sprinkles
Me, "dressing" the sugar cookies with Kisses
Yours truly :)
Some pretty cookies...

G'night folks!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Sorry, Dr. G-H!

Receptionist: "Good afternoon, Dr. G-H's office, how can I help you?"

Me: "Hi, my name is Mecca ________ and I'm a complete a-hole and got so involved with work that I totally forgot my appointment for my annual physical with Dr. G-H last Friday. I was in the shower Saturday morning and BOOM! A big wave came over me and it hit me like a ton of bricks that I forgot. I felt terrible the entire weekend and it's so unlike me ---"

Receptionist: "Hahahahaha" (cackling)

Me: "Oh, well, as I was saying, I'm terribly sor---"

Receptionist: "Honey, it's not the first time someone was a 'complete a-hole' and 'forgot an appointment' andit won't be the last, so don't even sweat it."

Me: "Did you just say a-hole?"

Receptionist: "Uh Huh" (chuckles)

Me: "I think I love you. When can I reschedule? this time I'll throw it up on my forehead..." (sigh of relief)

Moral of the conversation: I love Dr. G-H's office! :)


Ok, people. The jig is up. I am so darn tired, I am sitting at my desk and can barely keep my eyes open. Trust me, it's not because of lack of work, but definitely because of lack of sleep. So instead of falling asleep here at my desk, I decided to quickly post to keep me alert, say a quick "keep me awake prayer" and if that doesn't work, then I'll just have to run around the office, in boots and all to revive myself. Sure the coworkers might think I'm a wack job but hey, at least I'll be awake.

When the ex and I broke up, I prayed to be busy. Busy, busy, busy. Anything and everything to get my mind off of the gaping hole in my heart. I became captain of my work running team and started running 5K's left and right. I became a slave to the gym (I need to do that anyway, THIS was just the kick in the pants to do it), I arranged weekly gathering with friends, planned vacation after vacation, started volunteering to travel for work, journaling/blogging, etc. I also started doing the tiniest little things at home, to shake things up. I started sleeping on the other side of the bed (hardest habit to break or start by the way), re-arranged my dresser drawers, filled my wall space with new pictures of all of my girls, trying to cook more often for myself - whatever. Any and everything to get my mind off the gaping hole. Well, months (and months) later, I am successfully busy. And with the holidays and all the socializing, probably too busy. So I'm not sleeping as well I should be, and I'm not working out as much as I normally do, so I'm cranky. I just have to remember in two weeks, things will slow down and be back to normal, so just hold on.

In other news, Mr. Smith called me again. He wants to get together for dinner tomorrow. I'm happy he enjoyed my company enough to want to hang out with me again, but deep down inside, I really want to go to the Tuesday night spin class. I'll think about it and decide. (I don't mean to seem like such a snob, I would love to see him again, I'm just tired/cranky).

Tonight my group is being taken out by one of our agencies, which should be fun. As soon as it's over, I'm going home and going to bed. (Realistically, I'll be online, reading all today's updates on my fav blogs - cause you people are honestly the shit and I enjoy reading your blogs so much).

Anyway, guess I should take that jog around the cubicles now. Thanks for stopping by. :)

Sunday, December 16, 2007


I got 17 more of my 20 cards done. Waiting for three more addresses. If I don't get them, the recipient is just assed out and gets no holiday love from me.

Oh, and while I am blogging, I just need to say, Express is on my sh*t list right now. They double charged me, and I got debited twice. The money is being put back into my account, but just because they gave me ONE more friggin' thing to have to deal with, they suck.

I's tired...No rest for the weary, Part 2

I'm exhausted. Plain and simple. My "no rest for the weary" weekend continues. When I last left you, you knew all about my crazy week up until Thursday but since then it's just gotten worse. Friday I totally, completely forgot I had a doctor's appointment. It just completely escaped my mind. In fact, I didn't even think about it until yesterday (Saturday morning), a good 24 hours AFTER the appointment time. That's so out of character. For those who don't know me, I am pretty much always on time, pretty anal in fact, and if I'm even going to be 2 minutes late, I'll call. I pride myself on that. I'm the master keeper of my schedule, and never (or rarely) forget an appointment; be it doctor, dentist, nail, hair (would NEVER forget a hair appt.), or even a God-awful GYN appointment. So you can imagine that when I realized, not only did I feel terrible but what sucks even worse is that will I most likely have to pay one of those, "You're an inconsiderate a-hole who stole an appointment time I could have given to someone who REALLY needed it" fees.

Friday was just a blur. I burned rubber getting out of my parking spot due to the inclement weather the day before, got to work and was so involved in tying up all of my financial lose ends to meet year end hell deadlines, it just slipped my mind. After working my heart out, I rushed home to get all dolled up for my company's holiday Christmas party. We were required to wear festive attire (although we're a 'casual-dress' company) so I wore a dress. I hate dresses in the winter because I hate wearing stockings. They suck. H-A-T-E them. Thankfully I got these panty hose on without ripping them or getting a run and my dress was actually a success. I crashed when I got home but awoke at 8:30am to make the gym, which at least was a good thing. My the rest of the day was a blur, which consisted of two trips to the grocery store, crashing a cookie baking party* (where well over 300 cookies were made and decorated, with a quick break for lunch), and rushing to a holiday party where I delighted in many special holiday cocktails and cookies (and I socialized like the elite) only to get my tail on the highway and high-tail it home just in time for the next snow storm. Hail pounded on my window pretty much all night and the freezing cold weather forced me to sleep with a sweat shirt over top of my PJ top. I woke up to another winter wonderland. I spent 40 minutes digging myself out of my parking spot (thanks to the plow trucks in my complex who cleaned the main driveways while also successfully blocked my little baby Kira (my car) into her spot. After digging myself out, I showered, ran a few quick errands, and then headed on the slick roads about 40 minutes south to meet up with some friends for a belated birthday/holiday gathering. (I'm so tired of holiday socializing, I could gag). Now I'm back at home, laying around instead of doing what I'm supposed to (card writing and laundry).

And tomorrow I have another holiday party/dinner for work in the evening, a dentist appointment on Tuesday (which I can not forget), and I must pick up my last little gifts for people, finish wrapping, etc. There is not enough time in a day!

Let's take a quick look back on my last week and my next few days:
(Last) Monday - socializing (dinner), Tuesday - socializing (dinner with the girls), Wednesday - work all damn day, Thursday - work and snowed in, Friday - work and holiday party, Saturday - holiday party for my friend, Sunday - belated b-day dinner for a friend and holiday gathering, (tomorrow)Monday - holiday dinner for my smaller group at work, Tuesday - dentist appointment, Wednesday - work all day (both jobs)....and you can see why I am exhausted.

Good news:
  • I've planned what I'm doing for my Mom's b-day. Her b-day is after Xmas and to ensure she doesn't get the shaft I try to make her Xmas and Birthday gifts and the occasions themselves totally different. Fun fact: My mom (Jill) has been mistaken for my sister more times than I've changed my socks in all my life. She's a looker; a "young-looking" looker.
  • I've already gotten out 30 holiday cards. (Twenty more to go).
  • I figured out what to get Sin for Xmas.
  • Anna's (my bff in Chicago) gift is wrapped and ready to be FedEx'd.
  • Sin wrapped some of my gifts for me, because she's a godsend.
  • Although I didn't work out today at the gym, I feel like I did because of my shoveling. It was definitely a work out.
  • The Bucs clinched the NFC South. (ya for Phil).
  • Santa Claus strolled through my complex today on the fire truck and gave candy canes to all the little kiddies. My inner child waved at him from my living room window like a lunatic.
Ok, off to finish reading my Real Simple magazine and then I suppose I can try and get some more cards done. And tomorrow, first thing, I will call Dr. G-H and apologize profusely for being the inconsiderate, forgetful a-hole.

Thanks for letting me vent some more...

*Cookie baking party = blast. Sin and Sarah are so cute and I had so much fun. Pics to come. Promise.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

No rest for the weary

The past two days....have been hell in a hand basket. Let me give you the 411 on the last 48. After working until 7 Tuesday night, I was already exhausted. So I thought I would get to bed at a decent time, but I was wired and couldn't get any decent shut-eye. (I think I went to bed at 1am). So yesterday morning, my boss lady picked me up from my house because we were driving to NY for an all day offsite meeting. After sitting in back to back (to back) meetings, we get back into the car just in time to squeeze by traffic and get me home so I can go to my other job. (The deal with the other job, L: I work part-time at a clothing store, which I'll call L. I used to work there 3 or 4 times a week but with the demands of every day life and my full-time job, I've successfully whittled it down to one day - Wednesdays. At this point, I spend more in gas driving there then what I make in night's worth of work, but I love the people and even better, the awesome discount).

So anyway, I get home just in time to change out of my comfy jeans (yes, my job is casual) and into "work" pants and a nice blouse, stuff an apple in my pocket to have for "dinner" since I have no time for a real meal and head to L. I get there only to find a clothing store fiasco. I mean, it looked like straight poop up in that store...clothes thrown everywhere, three full racks of "go-backs" and a million people lining the store; gotta love the holidays! Now, just to give you a little background, I normally stroll in about 6pm and by 9:30-10, I'm out of there. Well, not tonight! After dealing with bitchy clients and fitting rooms that look like they threw up clothes, I didn't leave L until 10:35 (with the apple still in my coat pocket = no dinner) and that was because the store doesn't have the hours to support the overtime for some of the other employees. (We left with almost one full rack of clothes to be put back. I know the morning people were pissed, but oh well, I/we tried). So I get home, shower and although I am beat, I can't fall asleep. WTF??

Finally, after calling my girl Sin (who apparently is an insomniac who enjoys wrapping presents* until all hours of the night), I was able to crash, only to wake up at 5:30am to attend a morning spin class**, since I knew I wouldn't be able to work out tonight, due to the snow storm we were scheduled to have. And yes, we did get snow, along with sleet, slush, hail and ice among other things. So after going to the gym, I ran to Dunkin Donuts and picked up my "medium french vanilla, skim and two splendas" coffee, went home, shower and was off to work by 8:15. So far, no snow. I plugged away at work because it's year end (and I'm in finance hell, although I'm a marketer), and next thing I know it's a winter wonderland outside. (Wish I had pics but I'm a slacker). But don't be fooled, just because it looked like a winter wonderland outside doesn't mean it was. It was more like an ice rink. Slippery, icy mess. I finally flew out of there, laptop in hand to work remotely from home at about lunch time, and a 12 minute drive took 35, given the solid sheet of ice.

I get home, still tired as all get out, make a little lunch and then jump on a conference call. Work (even from home) until about 7:30 and then finally decide to slow down. Now I am in bed, too tired to write Christmas cards, too tired to switch over my laundry, too tired to even think. (So I apologize if this post is all over the damn place). I wish I could say it would all be over tomorrow and I could get a little R&R but of course that won't be happening. Tomorrow is the company holiday party, Saturday is my friend's last hurrah Christmas part before becoming a mom (she's due New Years Day), and then Sunday is another friend's b-day lunch. I still have to finish the remaining X-mas cards (I already sent out 30 last week), finish shopping for gifts and then find time to wrap those gifts. Somewhere in between I hope I can find room to breathe. Not to mention, make dip (with the help of Sin) to bring to the first party and purchase a small gift/card for the b-day lunch.

I guess I should change over my laundry. ARRRRGH! (And as soon as I do that, it's LIGHTS OUT for Mecca).

*Wrapping presents? F--- that. I'd rather watch paint dry. No, I'm not a scrooge; wrapping presents is just not my thing. I do love giving gifts to people though.
**Unfortunately I caught the morning spin class with the shitty instructor who didn't even turn up the music to motivate. I mean, it's early as hell in the morning which is hard enough. Can I get some jams to make me want to move? On top of that, the class had two chatty friends who were talking the entire time as if they were taking a nice stroll through a park, as opposed to a 'work your ass off spin class'.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

3 books (that changed my life)

Ok...may be a little dramatic, but they totally did. Prior to landing "dream job", I was laid off. "Bitter is the New Black" by Jen Lancaster had just hit the shelf and I just happened to stumble upon it one day as I was sulking through the local bookstore (which is therapy for me in itself sometimes). Thank God. At a time where I felt like all was lost, this crazy ass Chicago-ian made me laugh out loud through tears. It helped to know, it's NOT just me. I rocked the hell out of black at the time because as Jen said, "bitter is the new black" and I could have changed my name to "Bitter" at the time.

Of course, I got through it.

Then, after landing "dream job", just when it seemed that all was well with the world, someone decided, "she's just too happy" and decided to have boyfriend-of-the-present become boyfriend-of-the-past. Bummer! This time no bookstore was involved. A friend of mine tipped me off on this "quick, fun but truthful read" and after telling my Mom about it, she quickly bought me the book. "It's Called a Break-up because it's Broken" by Greg Behrendt and Amiira Ruotola-Behrendt, inspired me beyond belief. It challenged me to do something I didn't think I could. Go sixty days. Sixty days with absolutely no communication with the cheese-ball who broke my heart. And even though I knew he was a cheese-ball, I was deathly afraid of losing him, or him forgetting about, or just having to do it period. Eventually, after being burned a few times, I began my own personal "he-tox" (detox from him as the authors so cutely named it). It was indeed a quick, funny and easy read...and quite frankly, kept in real, in a very surreal time for me. That's how I starting journaling/blogging. I wrote in detail about my he-tox (my withdrawal) and won. I made it sixty days...hell I made it 90+ days. I don't even keep track anymore. And I got over it.

Finally, after I was "over it", Mom came through again. She had heard about this wonderful author, Elizabeth Gilbert, who had traveled through parts of the world in search of her self. Knowing I was finding myself and getting to know me a little better, she bought me "Eat.Pray.Love". I admire Ms. Gilbert. Her courage to never settle. Her courage to get down and dirty with herself. Simply fabulous. I'm doing this just about every day of my life now. And I really freakin' like me.

You don't have to be going through something to enjoy any of these reads, but I'm a firm believer everything happens for a reason and these three books came into and changed my life.

Check 'em out:

Night folks! It's waaaay past my bedtime.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Crema o Azucar??

Almost every morning, I stop by Dunkin Donuts (affectionately called "Double D's")* and get a medium french vanilla, light (with cream) and two splenda. Although I try not to drink my calories, I always rationalize this idea with the fact that I am getting splenda as opposed to real sugar, so why not have a nice light pretty coffee? Well last night night, my subconscious Mecca had it out with my internal self about this. I never drink whole milk (I barely drink two percent), so why drink a 1/2 of cream every morning?

Not only is it added senseless calories, I never even take the top off my coffee, so I don't even get to SEE my pretty light drink! As of today, I am a "medium french vanilla, skim, two splenda please?" kind of girl. I save about anywhere between 50-75 calories. And since I love food, I'd rather save my calories for THAT.

Off to Double D's...and work of course.

*Not to be confused with Double D's the lil nudey joint that no longer exists in my town. But boy did it cause a stir when it was around!


Quick tidbit: Miso soup has only 36 to 50 calories per serving!* I love Miso soup. It's so nutritious and taste yummy. It's the perfect start to a sushi dinner.
*Normally the bowl they give you at the sushi restaurants.
**Looking at different calorie counters, an average cup of miso soup with tofu is 85 or less. (Still low cal and yummy).

Disclaimer: I am not a nutritionist. This is my observsation from online calorie counters. Take all this info with a grain of salt; or if you're watching weight, health-conscious or a low-sodium person, without a grain of salt. Whatever...

Monday, December 10, 2007

and the survey says...

The simu-date aka (simulation date) was a hit. Mister Smith, as I'll call him, is tall, dark and handsome. And old friend whom I haven't seen in years and was interested in having dinner and drinks with lil ole me. Fantastic! It was nice and although no "vibes" were given, I enjoyed being in the company of a man, who paid attention to me, who paid for dinner, and who even opened doors. Mister Smith is a hustler. He talked a lot about his drive, his ambition, is career. He talked a lot about himself. Since I also like to talk about myself, I thought this might be a small problem. Nah, not so much. I listened...sipped on my glass of Pinot Noir, ate my sushi and miso soup and took it all in. This simu-date was not really a date at all...just two old friends getting together, but definitely a wonderful time.

While I love my girls dearly, it was great to be engaging with a member of the opposiet sex in something other than a work setting. Nice to get dolled up, nice to flirt, nice to bat my eyes. I don't know what will happen with Mister Smith; but nonetheless this simu-date was great pratice for maybe a real date...

For those of you who don't know, the reason I started journaling (which turned into online blogging) was to mourn the death of my past relationship, which at one point I thought was "it". When you realize that "it" is merely nothing, just a facade, you have to start over, which can feel as daunting to one person as re-learning how to walk. How do you take the first step towards something that is unknown? I'm still learning that at the end of the day, you don't question, you just do it. Plain and simple. You take one foot and put it in front of the other. It's scary as shit and takes a heep-ho of courage but you do it.

Thank you Mister Smith...not just for paying for my dinner, but for giving me hope that one day, I can and will have that giddy, girly almost nauseating feeling in the pit of my stomach.

One day at a time; one foot in front of the other.

Good night.

Didn't make it to the gym...

Oops. But I did make it to Stop and Shop to load up on groceries, even used a coupon (I feel so grown up when I do), made it to Kristine and John's ridonkulous* mansion of a home to celebrate their birthdays, and I finally I made it back home to play around on the computer, do a lil laundry and relax. Sounds like a fabulous Sunday to me. Now I am at work, putting off the inevitable...end of the year bull crap which includes making sure all my vendor invoices are in, accounted for in my budgets, setting up/finalizing or tweaking my 2008 budgets, and overall just getting organized. FUN. I'm not going to complain because I do love my job...but it really is a pain in the ass, regardless of how much I heart work.

Tonight I plan on going to the gym and strength little way of saying "sorry, I stood you up yesterday". Whatever, it was yoga anyway, which I don't like, not to mention, the whole hair thing...

Off to play around with Excel spreadsheets.

*nope, not a real word but one of the 'made up' category. a Mecca-ism. can also be substituted with "ricockulous" compliments of Casey Moffett (yes Casey, I will always be your Jersey "dangerbaby").

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Gym? Hair? Ugh.

Ok, as vain as it may be, my hair, one of my obsessions as you may get from earlier posts is one, ok, let's keep it real, is probably the soul deciding factor of what activity I will do at the gym on any given day. Normally, I like to run because it's "my time" and nobody can take "my time" away from me, however, being that I just got my hair done at the salon yesterday (Saturdays are typically my day) and I don't want my hair "sweated-out", I probably will not run. (No, I don't wash my hair everyday; it's probably a culture). Call it what you want people...but personally, my hair trumps that powerful workout I desire; at least until I've been able to get my money's worth of nice, free-flowing hair. Said example of the "nice, free-flowing" stuff I spend so much time worrying about to the right (pic of Kris and I at pre-Turkey Day festivities). With that said, I probably will just ride the stationary bike or lift and leave the cardio behind today. I feel a little guilty, but my rationale is something is better than nothing? Right? After that I'll do my typical Dunkin Donuts run and get started with my day. Like I said, something is better than nothing...

Saturday, December 8, 2007

The only thing...

...I hate just as much as Florida State is Florida.

Tim Tebow, Heisman Trophy winner? WTF?